Yu-Gi-Oh! TCG - Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem Booster Pack
Acest produs va fi disponibil incepand cu Joi, 12 Iunie 2025 (data de lansare poate fi modificata de producator).
Produsele din precomenzi se livreaza cand toate produsele din comanda ta sunt disponibile. Poti comanda produsele care sunt in stoc separat, pentru a le primi mai repede!
This year’s Battles of Legend set, Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem, comes with three new surprises!

Surprise #1: It’s Time to Chibi!

Get your hands on 10 cute-as-a-button “chibi” variant arts of popular monsters. We’ve used the chibi art style on accessories before, but this is the first time it’s been used on actual cards. And just to be clear, these aren’t tokens, they’re fully-playable cards with game text!

Surprise #2: Bling Out with Style!

Also new in this set – emblazoned Ultra Rares! Each pack of Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem comes with a Dragonmaid, P.U.N.K., or Orcust-themed Ultra Rare card with a custom emblem for that theme, emblazoned right on the card’s text box.

Surprise #3: Starlights Return!

Okay, some people saw this one coming! But the surprise isn’t that Starlight Rares are back – which they are – but that they’re a lot easier to get! Last seen in 2023 as extremely hard to find cards, Starlight Rares will be in Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem at about the same rate that you could find Quarter Century Secret Rares the last couple years.


Not a Surprise: Lots of New Cards!

One thing you can always expect from a Battles of Legend set is new cards for your Decks, and always all foil. Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem has new cards for Nekroz, Gem-Knight, Jurrac, Fabled, D/D, and Magistus Decks, plus a lot more.

Also not a surprise, this massive 177-card set has plenty of old – and new! – favorites you might still be looking for (Primite Lordly Lode, anyone?), or wanting to grab as a foil upgrade (King of the Feral Imps has been most displeased by his apparent lack of sparkle).

Each 5-card pack of Battles of Legend: Monster Mayhem contains:

  • 1 Secret Rare
  • 1 emblazoned Ultra Rare (always a Dragonmaid, P.U.N.K., or Orcust-themed card)
  • 3 other Ultra Rares


Overall set size is 177 (52 Secret Rares, 51 emblazoned Ultra Rares, and 74 other Ultra Rares). 25 of these cards are also available as Starlight Rares.

Booster packs per box
Data Lansarii
12 Iunie 2025
Carti per booster
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